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Live Your Best Life

live your best life
All Perspectives
✍️Conrad Lin
📆 February 5, 2024
⏱️1 minute read

Why Did We Build This?

There's a powerful truth in the adage, "seeing is believing." At the Co-x3 Family Foundation, we believe in not just talking about principles but living them. "Live Your Best Life" is our visual diary, an episodic vlog series where we bring the Better Life Framework to life. It's about showing real-life applications of our philosophies and how they contribute to help us live a better life.

What Does it Do?

Through "Live Your Best Life," we chronicle our journey — the ups, the downs, and everything in between — as we apply the philosophies of the Co-x3 Family Foundation to our daily lives.

These vlogs are more than just stories; they are a testament to how the Better Life Framework shapes and enhances our lives. This series is hosted by members of our community who are making significant strides in their journey, providing inspiration and relatable insights.

How Does It Work?

We distribute this series through various social media channels by our co-creators:

  • @ Level Up With Conrad

Explore our comprehensive collection of vlogs all in one place here: Live Your Best Life.

Last edit: @ on August 6, 2024

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Website last updated: March 4, 2024
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Understand Yourself

  • Our Philosophies
  • The Better Life Framework
  • The 4A Model Of Understanding
  • The Evolution Of Wants
  • Test Your Understanding