Our Programs
- Build your awareness through knowledge.
- Gain acceptance and take action through tools.
- Be supported and accelerate your growth with community.
Page Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Level Up With Us
Meaningful conversations about topics that we've seen different perspectives of.
Level Up With Conrad
Empathetic conversations to help us level up that we wish we had a decade ago.
Live Your Best Life
Follow our wins and failures as we pursue our best life together with the Co-x3 Family Foundation.
Now I Understand
Commentary on the world from the lens of the Better Life Framework.
Q&A Sessions
Live, meaningful discussions with our audience about your burning questions.
Understand Yourself
We share about specific challenges we've faced and how to overcome them.
Talks By Co-x3
Bespoke speaking engagements for schools, companies, to empower individuals at various stages of personal development.
Co-x3 Community
Meaningful asynchronous conversations in an online community forum.
Talk It Out
Process your emotions using the 4A Model (Avoidance, Awareness, Acceptance, Action)
Guide To Survival
I'm desperately trying to do what I need to survive in this world.
Survival Manager
Navigate and manage your immediate survival needs.
Support Buddy
Identify and manage your reliance on external support systems.
Guide To Dependency
I need to please others so they give me what I need to survive.
Guide To Winning
No one else is going to take care of me better than me, so I need to make sure I get what I want.
Gamify Your Life
Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun.
Make Work Fun App
Gamify your productivity tools and unlock multiplayer for personal development.
Make Pawgress
Give your furry friends the best quality of life by helping them level up and track their wins.
Guide To Belonging
I found what what works for me and my tribe, and everyone should do it too.
Be Intentional
Find your why and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want.
Find Your Love
Be intentional in your search for your partner.
Guide To Systems
I'm aware that people have different wants, so I'm trying to create a system that would help everyone get what they want.
LVL-UP Course
Learn how to visualize, plan, and execute on creating a better life. 4 week bootcamp.
Family Without Borders
Grow, learn, live with amazing people around the world. The most important thing is life is being surrounded by the right people, and it starts at home. Find community anywhere in the world by living with people who are looking for like-minded housemates to grow and level up together.
Take back life control. Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun.
Creator’s Toolkit
Find your voice and discover ways to share your creativity with the world.
Grow Wealth
Systematize saving and investing to streamline your financial health.
Grow Your Love
Level up your relationship by intentionally setting moments of reflection and meaningful communication.
Guide To Letting Go
I am aware that systems don't work on everyone. It might be better if there was no structure.
Co-x3 Retreats
We want to create an experience that enables people from around the world to have a dedicated learning experience for a specific book, mental model, or idea, and travel to a destination where they can tour the country and practice their learning together with a group.
Therapy With Co-x3
Meet with credentialled and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more.
Under Maintainence
I did my best today, and that's enough. The best thing I can do is to let go.
Guide To Boundaries
I accept that people should be free to be themselves, but I need to protect myself from having my boundaries crossed.
Boundaries Workshop
Learn how to set good boundaries, negotiate for what feels comfortable, and lean into verbal and non verbal agreements.
It's OK To Say No.
Sometimes, saying no is for the best. Get tools to help you say NO and set boundaries.
Guide To Curiosity
I accept that people will cross my boundaries, so I should do my best to be curious and spend time to understand why.
Be Curious
To truly learn about the world, we need to ask good questions.
Co-x3 Research Lab
We have a lot we’re curious about in the world, and we want a place to discuss these ideas.
Guide To Empathy
I understand everyone is on their own journey, and all we can do is love them where they are at.
Co-x3 Family Council
Where individuals who have reached a high degree of awareness come together to steer the family with empathy and understanding.
Better Life AI Assistant
A GPT powered personal AI assistant that helps you reflect and plan your adventure based on your wins, habits, and other data from your productivity apps.